In relation to memberships in professional associations, ITS favors cooperation with organizations related to acoustics.

Such associations bring together, in particular, laboratories, design offices, material manufacturers, and companies that share a desire to exchange information and to participate in work of common interest (good practices, standardization), through specialized commissions or working groups, in connection with insulation in the different branches of industry and in the construction sector.

ITS participates in the commission S30J (noise in the environment) of the Association Française de Normalisation (AFNOR) - (French Association for Standardization)

Philippe Reynaud (*) was chairman of the Working Group « révision du Code de Garantie Acoustique » (Revised Code of Acoustic Warranty)" of the Syndicat National de l’Isolation (SNI) (National Union of Insulation)

Philippe Reynaud (*) is a member of the Société Francaise d’Acoustique (SFA) (French Acoustical Society)

* Development manager of ITS