Industrial acoustics is the domain of science and techniques related to the study of acoustic vibrations and concerning their production, propagation and effects in relation to different needs of the industry. This domain is basing an important part of the activity of ITS, which markets engineering and constructions.
Industrial acoustics engineering
As appropriate, industrial acoustics may use different areas of expertise:
acoustic metrology, when it comes to quantifying the noise emissions of a noise source (machinery, equipment, ...) or the performance of products or construction systems in a laboratory or on site (materials for sound insulation, partitions, silencers ...) or the performance of sets such as enclosures (acoustic hoods), premises and buildings (in terms of sound insulation or in terms of reverberation) or when it comes to the characterization of an acoustic situation (e.g. the source of a discomfort) in accordance with applicable standards.
industrial acoustics
More information In many cases it comes to the measurement of a sound pressure level, for which one uses a sonometer, allowing to obtain values by frequency band (in decibel) and the corresponding overall value with a A weighting (decibel A).
end faq - modeling, when it comes to simulate the performance of products or construction systems (materials for acoustic insulation, walls, silencers ...) or the performance of sets such as enclosures (acoustic hoods), premises and buildings (in terms of sound insulation or in terms of reverberation) or the impact of a noise source for a given environment
More information Depending on the case, the modeling can involve analytical methods (prediction of the absorption of multilayered acoustic structures, sizing of some silencers with simple geometry, sound propagation outside) or require calculations by finite elements (silencers with complex geometry) or ray tracing (acoustic propagation inside industrial premises).
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construction technologies (metal, wood, masonry ...) including the selection of products and construction systems (for sound insulation or soundproofing equipment or for reverberation control systems) possibly in the context of the construction / refurbishment of buildings with the management of related features in connection with the building process (mechanical strength, fire performance, thermal insulation, ...) and with the mastering of technical implementation according to applicable regulations, guidelines and rules of the Art.
More information Such constructions and if necessary, related installation works on site, require specific know-how and varied competences, rarely all available within a single structure.
end faq - knowledge of various industrial processes involving equipment generating specific constraints and sometimes antagonistic with respect to acoustics (e.g. those linked to aerodynamics in general and to the treatment of hot or cold gas flows in particular in the area of energy or for test benches and testing rooms), and of the physics of heat transfer (in the field of production of heat, cooling, ...).
More information The experience of the acoustician i.e. the confrontation, in the long term, with various problems having each their specificities is often useful to comprehensively comprehend a situation related to acoustics in industrial sector, where constraints limiting actions are numerous.
end faq - familiarity with various industrial noise sources (machinery & equipment of all types) and with related requirements for example in terms of ergonomics with respect to many projects related to the fight against noise at work (for accounting in a correct way constraints related to the tasks of production and maintenance).
More information If equipments often present in production facilities, such as ventilators, compressors, system of air conditionning, dedusting networks, venting of gas under pressure, generators ... constitute sources of recurrent noise, many industrial activities involve processes and, in the broad sense of the term, machines and therefore sources of noise of their own.
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In the field of engineering relating to industrial acoustics, diagnosis (if necessary based on acoustic measurements) of situations of noise pollution (sound disturbance to neighbors, noise in the workplace, etc ...) or of discomfort in terms of acoustics (poor quality of constructions, occurrence of exceeded noise limits) research and recommendation of solutions in terms of soundproofing or acoustic comfort : possible means of intervention of ITS with respect to all projects in relation to acoustics are as varied as the needs.
Industrial acoustics construction
ITS design office work is materialized by achievements in many contexts, by intervening for the supply of sound insulation materials and equipment (standard or custom), acoustic insulation design and works (of current technicity or high tech) turnkey with guaranteed results for a single project (e.g. in relation to the end user of a noisy real estate good or equipment) or for recurring needs (e.g. in relation to builders: support for developing industrialized solutions to fight against noise or for acoustic comfort).
The scope of supply varies depending on whether it concerns the reduction of noise from a machine, the limitation of sound propagation from an installation, the reduction of sound emissions from one end of an aeraulic network - for what ITS has specialized commercial partnerships -.
Thus ITS markets in the field of industrial acoustics not only engineering but also constructions: enclosures, screens, noise barriers, soundproofing, acoustic insulation, silencers.
Having a single interlocutor for all stages of a project is sometimes what is sought after: this is what ITS can offer, in all sectors of activity.
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