Blog - news ITS Acoustique
Integration of the prediction of industrial processes control valves aerodynamic noise to the simulation software SILDIS®
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Predicting aerodynamic noise from industrial process control valves is no easy task.
In many installations in the chemical industry and in some power plants, aerodynamic noise is emitted by control valves in various industrial processes.
This noise is partially transmitted through the walls of the valves and also (and mainly) propagates downstream of the valves, being then transmitted by the pipes walls of networks, of more or less complex geometry (depending on the site constraints)
Measurement rooms and test rigs acoustics
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The requirements in terms of acoustics of measurement rooms and test benches often makes necessary the use of absorbing linings allowing to perform measurements according to standard NF EN SO 3744 Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure - Engineering methods for an essentially free field over a reflecting plane or NF EN ISO 3746 Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using...
Acoustics simulation software
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1 Presentation of software SILDIS® = Sound Impact Limitation: Design for Industrialized Solutions (several modules)
The prediction of performances of products and construction systems for noise control engineering often requires an approach whose nature is computationally intensive, making its application difficult for most acoustics practitioners. Several softwares have been developed by ITS human resource in order to make possible such a prediction without any computational effort from users...
The events where ITS Acoustique was present Article Count: 3
Projects Article Count: 158
Work - protection against noise Article Count: 16
Sound environment Article Count: 38
Energy - noise emissions Article Count: 58
Testing rooms - acoustics Article Count: 9
Building - acoustic comfort Article Count: 37
Research & Development Article Count: 32
Official communications Article Count: 2
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