Blog - news ITS Acoustique
Biogas methanation-cogeneration without noise pollution (ITS at Expobiogaz 2018 Strasbourg-France)
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At a time when renewable energies are of particular interest, methanation (i.e. degradation by micro-organisms of waste/organic material under controlled conditions, especially in the absence of oxygen) is a popular process (since the resulting biogas can be used as fuel for a heat engine).
The combustion of biogas can enable the production of electrical energy and the recovery of heat (cogeneration): this constitutes a mode of valuation currently quite widespread, which leads to the...
Noise and quality of life at work (ITS at Preventica 2018 Lyon-France)
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Noise is undoubtedly one of the nuisances likely to affect the quality of life at work.
In some cases, noise is emitted by machines, production lines (in many sectors of activity); in other cases the noise emissions are due to related equipment e.g. dedusting network, chips suction mouths (especially in the paper and cardboard processing industry), ventilation systems.
Regardless of the sources of noise involved, there is a need to ensure that the levels of daily noise exposure of workers...
Read more: Noise and quality of life at work (ITS at Preventica 2018 Lyon-France)
Simulation of acoustic and aerodynamic performance of silencers with CFD, FEM & BEM calculation tools
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Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), to which reference is often made by using english wording, is a computational method for studying the motion of a gas or of a liquid, or its effects, by the numerical resolution of the equations that govern its behavior, considering a mesh of the studied system.
The Finite Element Method (FEM) and the Boundary Element Method (BEM), to which reference is also often made by using english wording, are intended to numerically solve equations such as those...
The events where ITS Acoustique was present Article Count: 3
Projects Article Count: 154
Work - protection against noise Article Count: 16
Sound environment Article Count: 35
Energy - noise emissions Article Count: 58
Testing rooms - acoustics Article Count: 8
Building - acoustic comfort Article Count: 37
Research & Development Article Count: 31
Official communications Article Count: 2
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