Insulation - simulation of sound transmission (or sound reduction) of acoustic multilayered structures (plane partition i.e. flat walls and envelopes of aeraulic networks or pressurized fluids) with the SILDIS® software

In the field of insulation, the simulation of sound transmission (or sound reduction) of multilayered acoustic structures (plane partitions i.e. flat walls and envelopes of aeraulic or pressurized fluids networks) is fundamental, since it is the basis of the design of construction systems opposing noise propagation, which is sought after in many contexts.

This is why the evaluation of sound transmission (or sound reduction) through multilayered acoustic structures is a fairly recurrent task...

Read more: Insulation - simulation of sound transmission (or sound reduction) of acoustic multilayered...

Acoustics – Design and sizing of plate resonators with circular, square or slotted perforations or not perforated (for silencers and absorbing linings) with software SILDIS®

In acoustics, the design and sizing of plate resonators with circular, square or slotted perforations or not perforated (for silencers and absorbing linings) is a major issue.

Indeed, wisely used, resonators can make the lives of acoustics practitioners easier, if they have a reliable and user-friendly decision-making tool allowing them to solidly base, adjust (and personalize ?) the solutions they provide to problems relating to sound comfort improvement and to noise reduction (with a...

Read more: Acoustics – Design and sizing of plate resonators with circular, square or slotted perforations or...

Practices, evolutions and trends for acoustical design in the construction sector, in relation to the developments of Computer Aided Design (CAD)

Overview in May 2020

Practices, evolutions and trends for acoustical design in the construction sector, in relation to the developments of Computer Aided Design (CAD), as observable in May 2020, deserve to be reviewed.

When it comes to acoustics, design tasks in the construction sector are often complex, wether it comes to Research and Development (R&D) works or to engineerings tasks.

Until recently, they were based (e.g. for what realtes to the evaluation of performance indicators in...

Read more: Practices, evolutions and trends for acoustical design in the construction sector, in relation to...
